Sunday, July 31, 2011

I Cant Predict The Future. But would i want to know what my future looks like?

Our past influences our future. 

Imagine you're like a normal tiiineh grain of sand, amongst all the other grains of sand. Watch this video and keep reading hehe!

9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.
Joshua 1: 9

If you place yourself in the hands of an Awesome creator, Amazing things can happen.
Our Awesome Creator has a great plan for you and me and everyone else, only if we allow Him to work in us. Are you ready for it to happen?

That is all MWAHAHA. 
pretty straight forward yesh? ;]

God can take the Ordinary 
and change it to 
something EXTRAordinary!
(have faith my fellow cupcakes! ^^)

tadaa! like this Jewish fella! 
something ordinary into something extraordinary. 

Then we were asked to plan out a Timeline of our Life, kind of like a time of Reflection. Here were the questions asked. What does your Life Timeline look like? o_O

List these out 
- Major Events in Your life, both good and bad.
- Times you fondly remember.
- Times you wish to forget.

Good : Being a part of people's life. It's an incredible feeling to know that you can make a difference in their life. that you matter, that you've impacted their journey; that you've been in a chapter of their story. oh hello there hehe! (: (:

(God feels like that too. Our Father should be the center of our life. just as WE are, 
the apple of His eye. )

Bad : When i've lost or drifted away from my loved ones or those close to me; be it through death or lost of touch, it hurts when i walk pass them on the streets and go " hey i once used to know him/her, but now we're like strangers of a different world.. coz we've drifted. Just like that ._."

(imagine how God feels about those who's parted and drifted from him :'( 
them who were once and still IS, His Children. )

Fond memories : When we celebrate Chinese New Year or Birthdays, or Parents' Day. That's why we celebrate them! To remember and make them a day like no other! ;]

(always thank God for Jesus' birth, for without Jesus, 
who else dyou know, 
who's holy and pure, 
who'd save US from our sin?)

Bad memories: Times when i felt so lost, when my world seemed to be falling apart .. over the littlest things that now seem so unimportant. 
Back then, my world 'crashed and burned'
over my addiction to Anime during dinner, 
over my Frustration of not being able to go for Dancing lessons while i was still young and flexible, 
over my Embarrassment when all eyes turned to me whenever i was placed in the spotlight, 
over my Anger of not being able to hang out with my friends because they ALL live so far away, or rather, i lived far faar away from everyone else. 
over my Negativity towards my ownself, 
over my Disappointment in my own Weaknesses. 

(That's why in the Bible, 
God keeps reminding us to not be attached to EARTHLY things. 
Money CanT buy us happiness and
Money is also the Root of all Sins.
Clothes and other superficial materialistic things here on earth are of 
when we enter God's kingdom that lasts forever; 
for eternity.)

so What do you think your Journey means? 
What is its reason?

Looking back, i am glad everything happened or didnt happen. All these events pointed me towards God, stressing that it's important to abide by His word and commandments, so i can find peace and joy IN Him.
These were all done to mould and shape me, 
to get me ready for whenever He shall use me (:

Always remember that,

Whatever that's happened in the past, 
has shaped the Person You've become today.

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