Sunday, October 23, 2011

You must be pmsing :(

(^ im not the one with the period =( you've been so snappily mean lately.)

say what you want to say. 
you know im not the type of person who likes failing, regretting or wasting money.

but ill tell you what i love to do! (:
1. shop for clothes, shoes, bags, BLINGS!
2. go out with my friends for a drink, a bite or a movie!
3. play truth or dare, poker or the circle of death!
4. dance dance and danncee!
5. explore the beach, a museum, a park.
6. take heaps of pictures when both my eyes arent okay!
7. lie on my bed or on the fake grass outside appreciating God's wonderful creation.

again, im not gonna deny it.
i am yet again taking a break from my lectures xD
it's okayyy everyone, chilll.
ive only got one more topic to go, 
and a very interesting one to end my study actually.
it's regarding..
M O T I V A T I O N 
aja aja faighting!

(Thank you for sending ppl to encourage me God, 
im already feeling encouraged and motivated! Muchly appreciated. 
Tysm )

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