Sunday, February 22, 2015

Stop worrying.

What happened to back in the days when parents were kind, patient and understanding?
What break?! How long?! Have u done ur resume?! Just apply!  Do ur resume and apply!

Stop forcing me.
Stop pushing me.
Ur ruining it.
Why are u so worried?
Have u no faith that God will provide?

Stop. It.

 I WILL apply,
Do u think im that sorta daughter who'd abandon u and travel to wherever I want??
No, no and no!! You know how I am, u made me like this so TRUST ME.
Just because you never had the break you wanted after you finished school,
doesn't mean I cant have mine.
IF you were thinking :
After all ive done for them,
after all this hard work,
going to work everyday,
suffering for them just to earn them money so they can study,
now they wont do the same for me.
Please be the understanding parent I thought ive always had,
and let me apply when I am ready.
What's the point of pushing me into getting a job,
when im negative about it because im not ready?
Do you think ill never be ready?
Im not retarded.


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