Tuesday, February 17, 2015

That Nice Daughter.

This friend of mine, is always worried about helping her parents out. 
I told her, ' Dont you think it's a bit selfish of them? To ask you to help them out all the time '
'No' she replied, with a smile she said ' I love helping them out! If im not helping them out, then i'd feel like a bad daughter. I mean, they're family! When it comes to family, helping is unquestionable.'
'What about your life? What about the things you want to do but couldnt do because you're so tied down?' I asked.
'Well, I believe there's a time for everything. So it's just not that time yet for me to do what I want, because my parents need me. I know I'd definitely be able to do what I want to do, later on in life, when my parents are okay without me, but for now, because they need my help, I will help them'

' What a nice daughter she is, ' I thought to myself, 'She's always thinking about others first.'

One day, 

' Ive had enough of this !@#$! '
' Good for nothing bunch of @#$! '
' After everything we've done for them, they treat us like #@$!
' Keep taking us for granted, enough of their #!$! '

That friend of mine came to me and told me that her parents, have been very mean lately. 
' I dont understand, what did i do wrong? ' she asked desperately.
' Will it never be enough for them? All these years I sacrificed my friends, my uni, my life, to help them and yet they think I treat them like crap?! ' she cried, her eyes full of hurt.
' Did I say something wrong? Did i do something wrong? No I didnt! I did everything they told me to! '

As confused as she was, all I could do was listen. I listened to her confusion, her exasperation, her disappointment.

I hope her parents will stop being mean to her.
I hope she'll find the answers to her confusion.
I hope that this was all just a bad dream, 
and that she will wake up from it tomorrow and continue to be that nice daughter, 
who enjoys helping her parents out because they're family.
I hope she will be okay.

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