Sunday, February 13, 2011

Signs. (longversion)


- Mom came home one day talking about one of our worker's friend, who's done a beauty and hairdressing course. she said she's been seeking for a hairdressing job for quite awhile now, but noone's hiring.
- People aaround me who didnt know i like hairdressing, were telling me how i should really think about doing hairdressing, since it's sth i like.
- My friend told me a true story of this guy who loves hairdressing, like i do, and so, he went on to get a degree in hairdressing after high school and now, he's successful hairdresser. at first i said " yea, maybe he's born with the gift of hairdressing, like how some ppl are just naturally good at singing." 
but no, she told me: if you like something, you'll be good at it. it's not a matter of being born with it coz you'll enjoy doing it whether you're good or bad at the start, but eventually, you'll be good at it coz you like doing it.
- Mom asked me if i enjoyed doing my Science course. She said it'd be better if i continued doing it first, then do a hairdressing course. (tbh, i dont mind doing it, but i was thinking, what's the point of wasting time doing this science course when what im gonna be in the future's totally unrelated..)
- I dont usually remember my dreams but i remembered this one that morning. In my dream, the words that came out from my mom's mouth were " About your hairdressing course, let's just wait and see. Dont apply for your hairdressing course yet. Wait till uni starts. " After that, i decided to leave it at that. 
Whatever happens, be it Science course or Hairdressing course, i dont really mind anymore.
- So just when i was wondering about about my Science course (eg noone's gonna do my course, it's pretty boring and its future's pretty .. vague) a friend told me that he's doing my course this year. i was .. gobsmacked. hehe! x] but that made me change my mind about my course and so i thought, okay maybe it's not so bad doing my course just for another 3 years coz i really didnt want to leave uni JUST YET anyways. i really love uni and id like to get to know more people.
- That following morning, mom basically answered my prayers. i definitely took that as a sign coz ive never let out the questions i asked God to show me [= She said:

- i think it's better to continue your Science course. why?
- coz there's no guaranteed job for Hairdressers nowadays. why?
- coz when Hairdressers nowadays get employed, they'd normally stay for a long time coz they're more used to the system as well as the workplace. because of that, not many ppl hire new ones because the old ones just dont wanna leave. 
(also coz they know that if they quit, the possibility of them getting hired by another hairdresser is really low)
- your Science course has a guaranteed future, coz ppl always need health&safety workers like you. 
- look at all these disasters happening, it's your job to take care of the ppl when or before these hazards to human health occur.
- just because i dont read the job pages in the nespaper, you dont know that there're jobs available for ppl doing your course. but ive seen them in the job section, so dont worry! when you finish your course, ill help you look for the jobs in the newspaper! for sure can find one!
- btw, if you still want, you can work as a nurse, with all the little children one. it's not as hard, compared to other jobs as a nurse. the only bad thing about it is handling your emotions, coz the ppl kids there are sick and dying. if you get to know them and you grow closer to them, when it's time for them to leave, you must be ready. this is just so you know, in case you were thinking about nursing. haha!
SO YAARR, that was everything she said to me that morning. after that 
i felt ... at peace with her decision (:
im fine with doing my Science course, then my hairdressing course after while working as whatever my Science course would grant me coz i dont think it's an everyday work, like accountants in offices. 

11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 
- Jeremiah 29:11

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