Sunday, March 28, 2010

Meeting my Standards.

I should be..

more patient with ppl.
(not easily frustrated when i have to repeat the whole story ALL OVER AGAIN.)

an understanding person.
(feeling their joy, pain, sorrow, anxiety during tough or happy moments and just...understand.)

selfless and humble.
(think of their safety, their needs, their situation FIRST, rather then me all the time.)

a good listening ear.
(being able to listen and give good advices, taking into account reality and not giving false hope.)

an independant person.
(not always depending on someone to be there, being able to do things on my own, carrying my own burden and responsibility.)

a more intelligent person.
(making an effort to remember MORE things, to think about MORE things, knowing as much as possible about whats happening around me.)

an optimistic person.
(be it dry nor dark, may i be able to see the light or water up ahead. thinking of another way to solve a problem rather than giving up.)

a brave lady.
(being able to stand up for myself, being able to face my fears/anxiety with courage, having a strong heart.)

able to achieve my dreams in learning dance, singing, music and beauty courses.
(to be able to entertain ppl, to be able to beautify ppl, to be able to make them happy.)

these are my targets, my own standards for myself to achieve, in order to be a better person.
where there's a will, there's a way.
and all things are possible with God by my side, so let's all strive to be better people shall we? (=

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