Monday, January 26, 2009

cny memories.

the day before cny...

i remember those times before cny, when we would have to clean the house, polish the chairs, polish the furniture, especially the manyy GLASS on the display shelves, sweep the floor, mop here and there, re-arrange the tables and chairs, clean the carpets, etc.

then the cookies! we would have to take all the containers of various cookies out and put them in their individual places/jar/containers. then we'd have to cut the bak pohs into squares or rectangles in a rush as the clock would strike 12 in half an hour.

when the clock striked 12, we would scream, my family and i, and run out of the house to play firecrackers and fireworks. and in my head, i would be thinking..

"owh man...look at all the smoke! pollution pollutionn!!"
"darn smoke is smoking the whole sky"
" i cant wait for tomorrow.."

then i would fall into a deep sleep when my head hits the pillow.

those cny days...

i would always wake up feeling "wooot! cnycnycnycnycnycnycny!", without fail, because i love cny.

i love EVERYTHING about it.

whats not to love?
- unlimited shandy - great catering food - new clothes, especially DRESSES (ahh~~ <3<3)>
- cny cookies and snacks
- house all bright and lit up
- smiles and laughs
- ang paos
- reunions with family, friends, relatives, cousins
- not lion scared of them xD

but those were the days,
those were the times,
those were my treasured memories,
i would never ever forget.
did you know that i used to wear braces? only for a year tho, cuz he just did my upper teeth, not my lower teeth. xD

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