Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Before Easter Break.

i only have 2 days of uni, with 8-10 contact hours and two compulsory 2 hour online lecture everyweek.
that makes, 
12-14 uni hours.
which, fiiiiine, really isnt alot compared to alot of students out there -.-"

but rest assured guys, this 'so called slacker' also has her busy and stressed times.
(like last week and today!)
even though i dont show it.
my best indicators are my eye backs and pimples =[

4 stars to complete BY TODAY O.O"
i mean duuuuude. 
look at my workload! =C
(dang it, boooooobies alert!!! )

so yes, im blogging today because i was up since 630am and im so happy to be able to get a good and early start to the day! MIND YOU, ive been switching from blogging to mind mapping for my assignment outline too. so altogether, this post has taken 1.5hours.

all the best for those having midsems or assignments due before the Easter break next week!
Weather is getting colder so please keep warm and healthy (:

ready to study!
- because ill be participating in
imma start planning and taking pictures 
of the less than $2 food 
ill be eating for each of those 5 days.
just so i can get sponsors =/
*fingers crossed!*

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