Sunday, March 18, 2012


There're so many talents out there!
ive just realised that i am actually, 
one of the LEAST ppl on earth with talents, 
i DO try my best in doing what i love most but =.=
(game, sing, dance, decorate, bake, cook?)
i find joy in doing them, but when being compared or put in the spotlight, 
my taste seems to be on the other end from everyone elses.

okay, dont misunderstand. im not whinging about this. i know God has a bigger plan for me. i admit that im terrible in those things (;

The reason of my blogpost today is to tell everyone to keep at it! to keep up their good work! to do what they do best :) because when you know what you do best, you'll inspire those around without realising it. 
it's like you're shining and at your brightest, when you do what you do best! so dont stop (:

After flipping through facebook (out of procrastination) im just so happy for my friends out there, 
with such beautiful talents. 
Such beautiful voice, such admirable personality, such fit bodies, such perfect coordinations.
im really happy that they're able to use their talents to inspire those around them. 

so here i am, wondering what my talent is. 

what in the world is Sta good at if she's not good in singing, acting, public speaking, dancing, gaming, cooking, cleaning, studies, baking, sports and driving? o.O

1 comment:

Jojo said...

Your name says it :)
