Sunday, September 18, 2011


so ive lost the two kilos ive gained ever since hitting my lightest record, now to work on burning em fats till im 3kgs lighter! fight fight fiiighting! (:

been busy with Church,
been busy with Uni assignments,
been busy with dear Boyfriend,
been busy making sure i get enough Rest
coz my eyes gets red when i lack of sleep
(its got a habit, like everone else, of drying up when im sleep deprived :C)
been busy with Dance and Exercise (Y).

putting those aside,

God has been so good to me and those around me!

He's been with my friends who're going through what ive been through that is, YEAR 12.
He's been with that woman who's been fighting her cancer for a few years now, they've found NEGATIVE amount of cancer cells in her body, which means time for recovery!

He's lead an art advisor to my boyfriend, giving my boyfriend inspirational steps towards his tough future. 
He's touched my brother's heart to join and mingle with his dear group at youth again.
He's helped me comfort my friend who was in need of advice and encouragement.
He gave me the courage and wisdom to come out and pray for others, to make sure they're okay.
He's been guiding my dear friend so well, as he's entering a heavy responsibility God has called him to.
He's given my friend the heart to want to serve in an area so suited to her personality, that i feel so encouraged everytime she .. serves.
and God has continously spoke to me, through my Daily Bread (:

like these!

Our love for God can be measured by our love for others.

When God permits suffering, He also provides Comfort.

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