Thursday, April 8, 2010

Good Friday Steamboaatt!

Twas at Foos' house, a steamboat with random and not so random ppl, quoted from Tim ;D
So we went there, everything was alreadyy prepared and bought! yummmehh x]

A few close-up pix while waiting for more people to come before starting dinner..

Some were also playing Guitar Hero Band, with....

Mel on drums!

Leongzai on bass!

Brenda on mic!

Who's on guitar? =/ 
(didnt bad..)

So yea, when everyone was present, dinner started followed by a game where everyone really enjoyed and laughed heaps. ^^

it truly was a fun night, 
tq to the Foos for inviting and having us over! 

Here was my highlights of the night.
* my first round of dinner was a scoop of 2 identical fishballs. xD haha! i waited to be given more but the next person got the next scoop, so off i go~

* it was the first time ive heard from one who usually has a big appetite, that one is too lazy to go and get more food from the steamboat, hence ate twice as less as usual on that night. i felt embarassed that i was the one eating more this time. o.o

* i heard beautiful voices singing, epicly awesome sounds from a guitar and many bright & bubbly personality from different ppls. it made me think 'wow, what a great & true friend..' and of course, self improvement.

* i was touched by......two very gentlemanly act 
(not gonna be specific hey)
hehe! but all i knew was, it made me go 'awwwww you go man! ;]'

* i played the piano and sight read a number of nice classical songs...
my musical part of me was...satisfied ^^

* i laughed so hard during the gamee, it was really fun. 
my jaw and mouth hurts so bad from all the laughing.

* i had a shot of American honey and it made me went ' O.O!' (twas supposed to mix it with cordial ><")

* but but! after being told, i made this.
20% american honey + 30% lemon cordial + 50% sprite 

100% HEAVEN 

so that ended my night, i was VERY tired and pretty sure i looked stoned/really bad coz someone gave me the 'uhhhhhh o.^' look when i just casually gazed around. 


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