Saturday, February 6, 2010

The Ultimate Ulcer.

i have an ulcer. 
a seriously serious ulcer. -.-
no, i have not seen it. 
but yes, ive felt it. 
(with my tongue, doi')
and strangely enough, it feels....bumpier than normal ulcers. Oo" 

normally, i dont mind having ulcers.
i dont disturb them, they dont disturb me. 

BUT this ulcer, 
this ONE ulcer that i have YET to glare look at, 
IS disturbing me
everytime i chew, it hurts. 
but that's coz it gets in the way when i chew, hence, ouch. -.-"

the only GOOD thing that makes it worth it, to have this ulcer in my mouth, IS..

my eating has drastically decreaased because chewing has become so painful nowadays.
(mm, now i know how Timmini felt D=)
so, naturally, this means losing fat = losing weight = more $$ for clothes = less $ for food 
= will be flying in the air soon ^^

mmm now aint that a miracle.

-The Next Day-

i went to look at it. 
it doesnt look that bad....but..
i shall change my ulcer's name to...

(yeah, there're two of them, at the same place O.o no wonder so painful..)

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