Saturday, July 11, 2009


aww mann..i dont feel like sleeping. and it's like..11.56pm! NONONONONONOOO!!
here's a reason for justification xD im kinda accompanying my dad atm, cuz he's still got stuffs to do and he's gotta try to finish em if he wants to have fun over the weekend.
(Weekend plans - (Sat.) Work & Dinner, (Sun.) Trip to South Beach for Bbq & Family Time)
So's gonna be awesomee~!

Hmmm..I shall blog about..some of the mannnnyyy PICTURES ive taken over the past few days!
(hey! be happy guys! there's gonna be HEAPS of pix, so have fun! ;D)
This was their(Uncle & Granny aka. Popo)

first day in Perth, visiting our store at Livo.
(Me. super candid man..ah!)

The Trip to King's Park, all of us ready and excited in the car!
(only 'kids' allowed in Miss's car, all adults in parents' car)

(Left: Mel, Uncle, Nick, Me)

Kung-Fu in King's Park, wa-chaa!

(Left: Me, Right: Mel) teehee!

On the 'GlassBridge'

(Left: Mel, Popo(Granny), Mom, Nick, Me)

Here we were, in the car, on the way to shop at Caro!
Left: Uncle, Right: Popo
(fine..that was a bit d'uh right -.- ehehe)

On the way back, literally EVERYONE slept except the driver of course.
(This was the only 'decent' sleeping picture owkayy..)

The driver proving that she's still awake.

(and yes, so was i.)

ooo hahha! dad's done! too bad peeps! bedtime for mua and him!
(hope yous enjoyed aye ;])

ack, gotta brace myself for tmrw because im gonna be in pain due to sudden major exercise (musclepain!) and dead tired tmrw IF i do not get my FULL morning sleep (which is till 8.30am). but im pretty sure Miss will come knocking on the door at 8-ish cuz work's at 9am. who wanna bet? if i win, you owe me a SMILE BIGGER THAN MINEE! =D

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