Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Hello Again ^^


1. i like to be CAPABLE of as many things as i can.
2. i sleep A LOT, to get rid of hunger or anger.
3. im a SILENT rager/weeper.
4. i SPEED TALK alot when im happy.
5. i tend to think of DRAMAS that's never or going to happen, who knows. 
6. coz im CREATIVE like that, random thoughts and ideas just keeps coming.
7. i OBEY unless i dont know the reason behind it.
8. im a FOOD+SAUCE ADVENTURIST, except towards insects/livefishes etc.
9. i get easily ADDICTED to most animes, games, cartoons, songs or dramas when i start.
10. i go JELLY towards creepy crawleys.
11. i loove DRESSING UP.
12. i love IMPROVISING my hair, my dance and my harmonizing.
13. i ... am finally tired woohoo ~! <3

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