Monday, August 30, 2010

StudyBreak ily!

i've some time to breathe
++ blog ever since uni started ;]

Here are the moooost frequently asked questions i can think of haha!

How's Uni Life? Met any new friends?
How's life aka love life?
How's you and your family?
Doing anything for your 18th?

Having said that, my following posts shall be on those questions and who knows! one story may lead to another and walah! you now know my life story! =O!

imma talk about the present = today.
if you've read facebook, i feel sick. i refuuuse to believe that im sick though.

Current symptoms: 
Headache (but i reckon it's coz i over-slept), 
Cold (coz it's been a cold dayy...), 
Ulcer (bit my lips from shivering??).

idk, ive not been sick for suuuch a loong time that my ego has turned THIS big xD teehee!

ONE WEEK OF BREAK = yaaaaaaaaaay!!
Here's how ive spent my first 2 days of it..
Sunday = clean both room and house..
Monday = did 2 lectures and 2 tests that were due today (ommgg im soo last minutee! ><)

yeah, that's it so far!

TO DO IN THIS WEEK though..shall be..

* sit for Hbio test on Weds.
* go ice skating with high school and uni friends.
* study with uni friends in UWA's libraryy!!
* cut & redye hair
* start exercising!!
* order lens by this week
* singing lessons with Sean

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