Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Birthday in an Apartment (=

IN THE SAME WEEK, off i went to Matt Tay's bday party which was held on Friday till Sat morning.

Roughly, this was how it all went ;D

it was at a fabulous apartment.
met addy, jodie and vince first, nice and friendly ppl they were!
two angmos upstairs were bree and jess, a bit cautious and awkward when first met.
more ppl came and we introduced.
matt finally came with ying and a few others, so everyone started chatting.

had a bit dinner of dominos, chooks fries and pizza, hj's fries.
noticed how much ive missed out on my friends' life.
saw how much they've changed over the months. :O

night went on, game was fun.
met this guy, i think he's cute and friendly. really nice as well, and he's msian.
towards end of the 'Game of Death', found out he has a no chance. -.-
lotsa talking happened when the game was over...
they talked about lotsa stuff and ppl in uni, whom i do not know as ive not started uni. (uh oh!)

soon after that, i was so bored when 'Game of Death' ended coz most ppl were tired or typsy or stoned, 
so i played games in the computer. (It was a SHARK game haha! thats right~!) 

eat everyone i seeee!! jumppp up and eat the ppl in the helicopterr!!! jump higher and grab the aeroplaannne!! bite the dangerous killer whallleeee dddiiiiieEEEEE!!!!! mweehahahahuaaa xD 
- was what was going through my head that night.. the best part we've all been waiting for...

Pointing middle Finger 
(dw, i didnt enjoy it -.-)
Sleeping for One Hour

More pictures can be found in Facebook (Y)

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