Monday, December 28, 2009

Boxing Day / Day After Christmas


Notice who was in the Driver's Seat?
who that girl who drove all the way to South Beach woot! 
*bows bows*


So when we reached there, we chose a spot under the tree and started bbq-ing.

The Tree


AS usual, i took photos with everyone JUST because, 
and these were the most presentable pictures, for now. ;D
(others were embarassing xD)


So while EVERYONE was bbq-ing, i was peacefully relaxing under the nice tree, taking pictures of the beautiful mother nature...

(i was also taking care of the bags and keeping the birds away from the snacks okayy. 
too many cooks spoil the broth. xP)

and yes, i did TRY to help but there really was nothing left for me to help with. (Y)
SO i took a picture of my shadow... 

Sexy Shadow

and this...memorable rock thingy. ^^

May the Wind be Forever in you Sails to Carry you Across the Great Blue Sky Sailing Amongst Us For Now and Forever.

Also, while they were bbq-ing, another family was bbq-ing next to us. 
Although we didnt talk, it was quite entertaining as this boy, around 14-16 years old, was singing songs. 
so yea, imagine that big boy in black, whose voice hasnt cracked, 
singing " Mr " XD


MOVING ON, the bbq was a success, as usual! 
(Despite the fact that we didnt bring canola oil spray or a spatula, and so without the oil, the skin from the lil chicken pieces were stuck to the foil O.O.) 

Now, if you've read my Xmas post in 2008, you'd have known this tradition. 
everytime when we go to the beach, we'll ALL, literally, take an arvo nap under the nice big tree that covers the sun of the universe. ^^


Mel and i wanted the sun though, so we napped in front of the tree. so you can imagine 3 of them behind the tree, in the SHADOWS, while the 2 of us at the front, in the SUN. (Y)


After 30 mins of arvo nap, everyone went to the beach to play except mom and i. 
mom's sensitive to too much sunlight while i was just..........
paranoid of attracting sharks and endangering everyone. =)

So we went back to the car, and mom continued her nap. 
(a snorlax she is, seriously -.-")

I know im boring but Im not THAAT boring...=/

With nothing but a sleeping mother + boredom in the car, 
i took a picture of an Aussie fly. 

FLY(english) / LALAT(malay) / PUUR-LINGH(foochow)

and braided my hair. ^^

When they FINALLY came back, mom was already awake so i took photos with everyone, again! 
(Remember the tradition?? =O 
It's my 'Before & After the Trip' tradition!)


Nick drove us back! ^^

The Passengers.

It was a GREAT day away from the store and everything else. I got back with a slight tan but no sun-BURNS, so that's cool ^^.
So there you have it; My Adventure After Christmas. xx

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