Friday, October 23, 2009


WARNING: this post requires you to imagine things as i did not have my camera with me. you have been warned.)

(ohh! for the year 11s(2009), if you wanna know what happens on Leaver's Day, this is the post to read!)

Went to school, had the usual advocate and lotsa signing happening during advocate! (Signing Autograph book, Autopgraph Plusshiee, School Uniform etc.)
[picture of everyone in class relaxed and signing things]

then we were brought to the P.A.C. for FOUR events.

Firstly, there were 4 presentations, in the form of 5 minute videos, made by the Year12 Media Students, evoking particular morals/values/themes.

[photo of the screen showing videos]

Secondly, we were given a talk about Saying No to Drugs, via a lifetime story of Jade Lewis. 
(It was really touching. she led us through her broken past to her renewed present. she's awesome ♥) 

Thirdly, this group of  UWA MedStudents came to teach us about 
sexual health, using the right contraceptions and seeking for 
the right help. =)

[photo of their 'dirty' sketch ]

Lastly, this lady from K.I.S.S (Keep It Safe Summer) and a Sergeant 
(Police Force) came to tell prepare us for Leavers; what they 
expect and not expect from us , what to look out for etc.

[photo of lady and sergeant speaking]

And of course, in between these talks, we were given breaks to eat, go 
to the toilet or for signing time! the were also especially given 
FREE sausage sizzle  & FREE soft drinks! ;)

[photo of hotdawg & lemonade]

so yeh, it was good. after the whollee talk, Me DiPhilipo ended with 
" So guys, ASSEMBLY tomorrow starts at...NEVER.
There's no assembly tomorrow so ill see you at the River Cruise! 

-.-" yehh, apparently that was the plan all along and the year 12s 
had just been PWNED by the Deputy Principal.

 Our group parted with pictures together of course, 
the most important photo of the day!

(Gillz, Tan, Cassie, Sta*, Annaa, Gladys, Anniee, Jessie)

And other random photo sessions ;)  ♥ ♥ i looveee my hunniess~! 
(but not in the les' way hey ^.-)

xox.  Friends ForeveR! ♥ xox.

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