Wednesday, September 9, 2009

FeelingPoetic, RateMe?

i am looking from afar,
wondering what they're talking about,
wondering what makes them so happy,
wondering what they have that i dont. 

guess it's just one of those complicated things.
A Story
(Inspired by those Chain-Messages about 
"How to tell when you're in Love")

When You talk, I listen, 
When I talk, You roll your eyes.

When You laugh, I laugh.
When I laugh, You stare.

When You share your stories, I respond.
When I share my stories, You gaze somewhere else.

When You say you can do it, I say you can do it.
When I say i can do it, You say he/she can do it.

When You wear something nice, I like.
When I wear something nice, You dont like.

When You wanna eat something, I give you more.
When I wanna eat something, You eat it. 

When You wanna go somewhere, I follow.
When I wanna go somewhere, You grumble.

In conclusion, 
Sometimes life doesnt seem the way you want it to be, 
but that's alright, you have God to comfort you.
Sometimes people arent treating you the way they treat others,
but that's alright, God treats everyone equally and with Love.
Sometimes you wonder why hanging out with different ppl makes you feel useless/stupid,
but that's alright, cuz God made each one of us unique and different
very Special in His eyes, each and every one of us.

The future is unpredictable,
it holds things that no normal human being can predict,
but one thing's for sure,
God has a plan for us.
He'll take care of us.
That, is what i will hang on to,
because God will never fail me,
He never breaks promises.

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