Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Here I Come.

what does it mean when i have..
1. A pair of silver heels.
2. A black dress.
3. A silver pouch.
4. A set of jewelleries.
5. An invitation.

it means..
(physically..not mentally x(..)
(it's tomorroww!!! yiiiksah mamaa~~)

im nervous..not really excited..but i wwant to be excited!! like any other normal person in the world! but lately, things seem to be in tangles. i dont like tangles. my memory fails me.

Questions, no, not questions, more like the word "why?" seems to be appearing more and more and MORE these days. i dont get it, i dont understand, is it me, why are you doing this and why etc.

but i know the answer, deep down in my strong yet fragile heart. i WANT to know the answer, but im afraid. that's why i wont ask, because if i do, the answer will hit me in the face, really hard, and afraid, would really HURT.

anywayz, as days pass by, i keep thinking that out of the many 100s of ppl who are gonna have their ball in EACH SCHOOL, there's bound to be ONE unlucky person who would not find the balla blast of their life. and that would mighty well be ME. first that, then that, then more of that, and then?

i want this year to be over. sooon. i want to concentrate on getting good results. i want the ball to be over. it's too much of a distraction. i want to have an awesome time in the ball. i want to go back to kuching. i want to see my kuching friends. i wanna know how they are.

want to pee.
=O crap! lobster! chickennnnn!
(quick pics..UPLOAD ALREADYYY *sighs*)

it's a bit too much, i know, but i'll get through, somewhat..somehow.
Lord have mercy, He'll give me strength, comfort and peace.
Yesh..please do.
my heart is in need for strength, spesh when faced with the unseen truth & pain,
again and again,
not quite ever understanding WHY.

ookaayy pweeps, if outcome's good, ill be supper hyper and happy during the ball. if outcome's bad, then ill be the photographer of da night yesh?! ;D hey, at least i have sth to do right? :)
**stay tune for pics from the ball!

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