Sunday, August 31, 2008

Lynwood Tavern

This is a place u SHUD go if u want to dance.. Not hip hop dance, no, not modern dance.. Come to Lynwood Tavern if u tink YOU can SWING!xD Here's wad i ate. (a lot rittee??]= ) Here's my mom's. And here's wad my dad drank. The rest are my bro, sis n i posing around. =) yes...swing dance to those bouncy ole catchy songs like elvis presley's, elton john etc. (too old for me to noe) but yea..dun worry..EVERYONE there is dancing.. even the lil kids, even the really old seniors. All of them, dancing to the same beat, dancing to the same song, bouncing, in unison. wad a lively sight.

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